DIS+SAM training
On-demand, available year-round, and required for first-time users

Training is an essential ingredient to the reliable and valid administration of the DIS+SAM and is offered on-demand throughout the year by our team of classification experts. For those using the DIS+SAM for the first time, training is required. License holders and their staff members or designated interviewers should participate.

Training is now available virtually via Zoom and includes lectures, hands-on practice, homework assignments, mock interviews, and more.

Training covers:

  • DSM-5 criteria and scoring for each diagnosis
  • How each criterion is operationalized by the DIS+SAM
  • How to effectively navigate the interview
  • Production and interpretation of reports
  • Conversion of data into datasets for analysis

Training is included in the cost of the DIS+SAM license. Training can be completed without a license for $500, or by agreement.

Training faculty

Linda B Cottler
Department: Department of Epidemiology

Linda B Cottler PhD, MPH, FACE

Professor Of Epidemiology
Catherine L Striley
Department: Department of Epidemiology

Catherine L Striley PhD, MSW, MPE

Associate Professor

For more information, contact Vijaya Seegulam, Director of Sales and Training, at vseegulam@ufl.edu.