UF Epidemiology Seminar - Featuring Peter W.G. Tennant, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA

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Translating causal inference into applied health and social science research

Causal inference methods are revolutionising epidemiology. Despite this, there is a considerable lag between the emergence of these methods among methodological specialists and the wider world of applied health researchers. In this talk, Dr Peter Tennant from the University of Leeds will reflect on his work aiming to 1) improve the awareness and use of causal inference methods in applied health research and 2) use causal diagrams to help explain key challenges and concepts in the analysis of observational data.

Peter W.G. Tennant, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA, Associate Professor of Health Data Science, University of Leeds

Attend in person or Online Via Zoom:
CTRB 2161
Meeting ID: 968 8469 4170 Passcode: 732025