All Posts by

Zoe Martusewicz

Drs. Boucher and Prosperi Receive New R01 Grant

Associate Professor and Preeminence Faculty of Epidemiology, Mattia Prosperi, MEng, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Christina Boucher, PhD are MPIs on a new Research Project Grant Award (R01). The grant entitled “Developing Computational Methods for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistant Agents” will…

College faculty, students recognized during International Education Week

The University of Florida International Center honored a College of Public Health and Health Professions faculty member and several graduate students during International Education Week, held November 12 to 16. Krishna Vaddiparti, Ph.D., M.P.E., M.S.W., a research assistant professor in the UF department of epidemiology at PHHP and the…

Mirsada Serdarevic: Why is mental health never a priority?

If you are a student or an employee at the University of Florida, there is a good chance you have seen the band practice on their new field as you are driving home from work or leaving after attending classes. One cannot help but look at the formations, as the…

Drs. Knackstedt and Cottler Receive New R21/R33 Award

Dean’s Professor and Chair, Linda B. Cottler, PhD, MPH, FACE, and Lori Knackstedt, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, are MPIs on a new Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21/R33) funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The grant entitled “Identifying Patterns of Human Polysubstance Use…

Newest PhD Graduate Receives Laurence G. Branch Doctoral Student Award

Summer 2018 graduate of the PhD in Epidemiology program, Sadaf Milani, PhD, MPH, CPH, recently received an award from the American Public Health Association (APHA) Aging & Public Health Section for one of her dissertation manuscripts.  The Laurence G. Branch Doctoral Student Research Award is an award which honors outstanding…

Epidemiology New Student Potluck

On September 8th, both new and continuing Epidemiology PhD students gathered together to welcome the new cohort of doctoral students and to celebrate their diversity. An array of foods were served from various continents in the “Epi Kitchen” such as: Chinese spicy cold dish, and dumplings; Korean inarizushi; Albanian lima…

Epidemiology Hosts Largest New Student Orientation to Date

On August 17th, the Department of Epidemiology hosted the largest (and most fun) new student orientation ever, with 93 attendees. Faculty, staff, and current students all welcomed the 9 new PhD, 6 new MSE, and 27 new MPH students.  We are excited to welcome this new cohort and look forward…

Epidemiology Faculty Receives Prestigious K Award

Clinical Assistant Professor in Epidemiology Dr. Catalina Lopez-Quintero has received a K01 award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to investigate drug use-related disparities among Hispanics by exploring the complex interactions between socio-cultural, neurocognitive, and drug use-related factors and potential mechanisms explaining drug use trajectories and outcomes. K…

Doctoral Student Accolades

Two first year Epidemiology PhD students, Shannan Rich and Veronica Richards, won best poster for Phylogenetic Inference at the 23rd International Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME2018) in Berlin, Germany. VEME 2018 was in part organized by Epidemiology Associate Professor and Preeminence Faculty, Mattia Prosperi, MEng, PhD,…

Dr. Robert Cook Receives NIAAA T32 Training Grant

Dr. Robert L. Cook, Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Southern HIV Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) and Director of the SHARC Center for Translational HIV Research together with Dr. Robert Leeman, and Dr. Robert Lucero, are pleased to announce that they have received a National Institute of Alcohol…