From June 15-20,2024, Cottler Lab members and NIDA T32 trainees traveled to Montreal Canada for the 86th Annual Scientific Meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence Inc (CPDD). This international forum is for scientists of diverse backgrounds to advance the understanding a full spectrum of addictive disorders and the well-being of people who use drugs.
There were 10 presentations (oral, poster, and invited symposia) completed from the following Lab members: Dr. Liva Montagne (NIDA T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Catalina Lopez-Quintero), Dr. Skye Briston (NIDA T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Micah Johnson, USF), Dr. Andrew McCabe (NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler), Dr. Anna Wang (NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler), Dr. Nicole Fitzgerald (former NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler, now a NIDA T32 Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University), Dr. Nae Won (former NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler, now T32 Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University), Daniel Van Zant (NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Elan Berenholtz, FAU), Tamara Millay (Administrative Coordinator of the Cottler Lab), Vijaya Seegulam (NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler), Christian Conger (NIDA T32 Predoctoral Fellow Mentored by Dr. Linda Cottler), and finally a symposium led by Dr. Linda Cottler on Sentinel Networks for Early Surveillance and Warning of Substance Use Trends in North America.
NDEWS also held its annual in-person Scientific Advisory Group and Site Directors meeting during CPDD where attendees gathered to discuss the latest updates to the project and steps for the new grant year.