The HealthStreet team has received $4.209M in funding in FY 22-23 for its community engagement work from the NIH and CDC. The CTSA/PACER All of Us Community Network ($1.863M for FY 22-23) is a network that engages researchers from diverse backgrounds in the AoU Research Program. This and the 8 partner sites funded through this award are a direct result of our collaboration with the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program. Members of the national Special Interest Group of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science, Partners for the Advancement of Community Engaged Research, are also involved.
Through the CDC/PANDEMIC Grant ($2.265M, FY 22-23) we have been able to fund partners across the country to tackle vaccine hesitancy. Through this project, we reach community members where they are through mobile health vehicles, community health workers, and County Extension offices, to make health and wellness resources available to all. Each site is developing their modified HealthStreet model.
Another grant, Training Promotoras/Community Health Workers using Culturally and Linguistically-Appropriate Research Best Practices (NCATS/NIH, $81K), is a cooperative agreement to build a culture of research at community sites serving diverse and underrepresented populations. Our team includes national leaders, clinical research professionals, CHWs (some of whom are peer-leaders of the training called Champions), and community members who, together, are developing a culturally and linguistically sensitive training program for CHWs/Promotoras in English and Spanish.
We contribute our continued success to our close collaborations with UF/FSU CTSI and all the partners we work with through these important projects. The PANDEMIC contract funded us for 2 mobile health vehicles for our community outreach efforts which are added to our HealthStreet fleet of four mini vans that we use to meet people where they are. Our 4-pillar model is at the center of all we do; Listen, Serve the Community, Educate and Learn, Build Trustworthiness.