Tuesday, February 15th
10:00 am – 11:30 am: Course Accessibility is Inclusivity
Via Zoom:
- https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98667144810?pwd=dmZRRVozZTZka3dwZnlCNWNrTUJXdz09
- Meeting ID: 986 6714 4810
- Passcode: 156540
Designing courses with accessibility in mind is essential to providing an equitable experience for students with disabilities, and accessibility best practices will benefit all students. In keeping with the guidelines of Universal Design for Learning, an accessible course provides multiple means of accessing teaching materials and considers cognitive load. This workshop includes examples of accessible Canvas courses and gives you an opportunity to practice making a Word document more accessible.
Presenters: Laura Jervis, Heather Maness, Allyson Haskell, Instructional designers
Audience – faculty, though all staff and students are also welcome