The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) is the oldest and largest organization in the US dedicated to advancing a scientific approach to substance use and addictive disorders. CPDD actively promotes basic scientific research in all aspects of substance abuse, and facilitates the sharing of knowledge and new discoveries among scientists of diverse backgrounds, both nationally and internationally. Since 1938, a major focus of activity has been its sponsorship of an annual scientific meeting. This conference serves as a forum to bring together basic scientists and clinical investigators from industry, academia, and government. A wide range of representatives of drug dependent research participate and it is expected that 1,200 attendees will be joining the 83rd Annual conference including several of our department’s faculty including Linda Cottler, Kelly Gurka, Catalina Lopez-Quintero, Catherine Striley, Deepthi Varma, Yan Wang, Robert Cook, Krishna Vaddiparti and many of their trainees. Several trainees (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate) mentored by our faculty attending have received CPDD travel awards which help to cover the cost of meeting attendance.