On Earth Day 2017, a series of marches were held around to country to mend the gap between the scientific community and non-scientists. These Marches for Science aimed to emphasize how science has improved and enriched our lives, and the importance of science in informing critical societal and governmental decisions. Professor in Epidemiology, Thomas A. Pearson, MD, MPH, PhD, was present at the March for Science in Washington, DC, where over 40,000 people marched. Dr. Pearson’s favorite quote from the signage at the March was: “Freedom, the first-born daughter of science” – Thomas Jefferson.
The Gainesville March for Science drew over 1,000 people, and Dean’s Professor and Founding Chair in Epidemiology, Linda B. Cottler, PhD, MPH, FACE, was a featured speaker. In her speech, Dr. Cottler shared important achievements in public health, discussed PHHP’s community engagement initiatives, and encouraged marchers to participate in research. We are proud of our civically engaged faculty members!